
Ladybird Class

Dragonfly Class

The children have shared what they love about Reception at Mile Oak...

Meet Miss Taylor
Meet Mrs Thoroughgood
Meet Mrs Longley
Meet Ms Kokkalidis
Meet Mrs Bruce

BBC Bitesize

Portslade Partnership New Starter Booklet

Click the picture above to view a guidance document produced by the Portslade Partnership to support parents in getting their children school ready.

School Ready Guide for Parents

Click the picture to view  this handy document with tips to get your child ready for starting school.

Bedtime Routine

Information from the school nurse on bedtime routines.

A calm bedroom

 A handy leaflet from the school nurse on creating a calm bedroom for your child.

Healthy Teeth

 Information from the school nurse about keeping your child's teeth healthy.

Sleep and diet information

Information from the school nurse on health sleep and diet habits for your child.

Sleep and relaxation information

 A handy leaflet from the school nurse on creating a calm bedroom for your child.

Day time wetting advice

Information from the school nurse about keeping your child's teeth healthy.

Night time wetting advice

 Information from the school nurse on health sleep and diet habits for your child.