Learning Websites
In the event of school closure due to lockdown, teachers will regularly update Purple Mash with school work. On Purple Mash, children can view, complete and submit their work to their teachers. In addition to this, children should complete the challenges set on Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars.
We have listed lots of other websites which are offering free access during the school closure times. Many of these sites will provide daily challenges to ensure children have plenty of access to learning.
In addition to learning platforms, we have included some websites which list organisations who can support our families.
Click on the links below to be taken to the websites.
Useful Websites
Reading, Writing and SPAG
History and Geography
Art and DT
General Learning Websites
Services and Advice for Parents and Carers
School Nurse
The School Nurse Team are still here to listen to and support children and young people. Please share the key updates below with your school community:
- The school nurse team are offering a virtual drop in for all secondary school pupils once a week on Wednesdays at 3-4 pm. Please see attached poster to go out to all students.
- Children, young people, parents, carers and school staff can contact a school nurse by calling the duty line 01273 696011 Ext.1692 (Monday – Friday 9-5pm).
- ChatHealth (textline) is available for young people and parents/carers of primary children on 07480 635423 (9-4.30pm Monday to Friday).