
At Mile Oak we want children to play and perform in Music! We encourage children to handle, play, listen and sort, and to embed understanding of percussion and orchestral instruments. We want children to talk and respond to ideas about music, expressing ideas using music vocabulary. In singing, children learn familiar and new songs, and have opportunities to showcase singing in performances and celebrations. We connect with topics and whole school ideas, to develop our singing and musical experiences.

Music Vocabulary Across the School

Key Stage Dimensions of Music Curriculum Vocabulary
Reception Beat, Rhythm Singing, Chants, Rhymes, Play, Instruments, Listen, Loud, Quiet
KS1 Pulse, Rhythm, Beat Untuned Instruments, Percussion, Listen, Create Sounds, Select Sounds, Combine Sounds, Perform
Lower KS2 Dynamics, Tempo, Pitch, Pulse, Rhythm, Beat Musical Instruments, Orchestral Instruments, Orchestral Families, Composers, Musicians, Notations, Live Music, Recorded Music 
Upper KS2 Dynamics, Tempo, Pitch, Pulse, Rhythm, Beat, Timbre, Texture, Melody, Structure, Harmony, Duration Solo, Ensemble, Voices, Control, Expression, Improvise, Compose, Recall Sounds, Appreciate and Understand, History of Music, Live Music, Recorded Music 

Visual Resources

Useful Websites

Follow the link to visit these sites specifically designed to develop musical skills. 


The school's Music Lead is Ms McArdle.

If you have any questions about the school's Music curriculum, contact your child's class teacher, or Ms McArdle via the school office.