Friends of Mile Oak (FOMO)
Friends of Mile Oak (FOMO) Our PTA
Our next event is...
Friends of Mile Oak is our Parent and Teacher Association made up of a very small group of Mums and Dads of children who attend our school.
A Parent and Teacher Association is an organisation of parents and staff, its role is to encourage closer links between home and school. PTAs are best known for their fundraising work, but they have a useful social function too. Fundraising events provide an opportunity for parents, staff and pupils to get together.
All parents and carers are automatically members of FOMO when their child starts school with us at Mile Oak. We hold regular meetings to discuss ongoing fundraising plans and all parents are invited to attend.
We are a registered charity and have three post-holders:
- Chairman - Lara Pickard
- Treasurer - Sarah Leaver
- Secretary - Leanne Jones
Previously donated funds have helped towards the purchase of:
- The new running track
- A new projector for the Infant hall
- The Reception play area
- Class Christmas gifts
- New picnic benches
We regularly receive requests from teachers throughout the school to ask for items and equipment needed. Sadly, without the funds that we raise, the school, OUR children would miss out.
What do we do and how do we raise funds?
We help raise much needed funds for our school. The money we raise directly benefits all children in the school and pays for many items and events such as…
- Subsidising school trips to keep costs to parents down
- Buying resources and new equipment for the school
- Buying Items and equipment needed for the classrooms
Throughout the year we organise and run fundraising events. Our events raise thousands of pounds for the children of Mile Oak Primary.
Some of our fundraising events include:
- Mile Oak Fireworks night
- The end of term discos
- Christmas card creations
- The Christmas and Summer Fairs
- Quiz nights
How can you help?
Without the support of parents and carers FOMO would cease to exist. We are not asking for a huge commitment - don’t feel that you can’t get involved. Many of our helpers volunteer as and when they are able to. Every effort is much appreciated and helps us to provide more for all of our children at the school.
Could you help out at just one event a year?
Could you do photocopying or leaflet design from home?
If you can’t make events, perhaps you have some great fundraising ideas you could share?
Do you have contacts who could donate gifts or vouchers for our raffles?
Do you have contacts who could supply events or stalls?
Could you sell event tickets one day after school?
Could you wrap presents for Santa?
If you are able to offer support, please email us at
Simple ways to raise funds for FOMO are:
Use Amazon Smile for your Amazon orders and select Friends of Mile Oak. Amazon will then make a donation to FOMO at no cost to you. Click the image to sign up.
Order your child's school uniform name labels from using code 13415 and FOMO will receive 30% commission. Click the image for their website.
Sign into Easy Fundraising first when you shop online, they will then make a donation to FOMO after you have shopped. Click the image to sign up.