
Welcome to Activ8! We know kids like nothing more than being active, and we run a variety of clubs and sessions designed to help the whole family stay fit and healthy and, most importantly, have fun doing it.

Activ8 for Kids Breakfast Club runs daily from 7:30am to 8:45am.

For more information and details on how to book please visit the link below

Activ8 for Kids

Activ8 Activity Hub Parent Letter 

Activ8 Breakfast Club Flyer 

Activ8 Parent Brochure 

Activ8 Pupil Premium Information 


Welcome to Activ8! We know kids like nothing more than being active, and we run a variety of clubs and sessions designed to help the whole family stay fit and healthy and, most importantly, have fun doing it.

Activ8 for Kids After School Club runs daily from the end of the School day until 6PM. 

For more information and details on how to book please visit the link below



Following the success of previous sports clubs run by ACE Academy, Jamie and his team are back, running a variety of sports clubs after school. 

For more information and details on how to book, please click on the link below. 

Ace Academy Sports Clubs 


SAMA Karate is based on the traditional roots of Chinese philosophy and Okinawan Karate, where good etiquette, health, self – defence and discipline of the mind, body and spirit are all practised.

SAMA Karate runs every Friday from the end of the School day until 4:30pm.

For more information and details on how to book, please click on the link below

SAMA Karate